Monday, July 25

Marina 21k

Forgot that I signed up for this run until I got the email to collect the race kit about 2 weeks ago. When did I do this? What was I thinking?!

I spent the whole week not running. And entire Saturday afternoon groaning in bed and wanting to avoid this.

I didn't feel up to it but that's the way with run events.

You just have to roll out of bed and turn up.

It would be a good way to find out what my 21 k timing was. To feel the distance and find out how my new shoes felt - a pair of Adidas jaw paws with a minimal heel and as close to barefoot without the tarmac scraping effect.

The reality didn't sink in until I stood there near the start. The MC was blaring, the music was going and I got a bit excited - it was 2008 again. My first 10 k at the Stand Chart.

Then we were off!

I started off cool and slow, adjusting the timer on my watch. At the first 1 km marker, I was about 7 minutes plus down. Ok, good. Let's try to keep this pace. Aim was to run 21 k under 3 hours.

Kept similar pace at the 2k, 3k and 4k marker. There were no distance markers until the 10 k mark - 1 hr 22 mins.

That was when I started getting quite pumped. I had a chance to complete it under 3 hours!

My legs started to feel quite heavy and my running form suffered when I got tired so I shook off the fatigue by walking. I walked at every water station to load up on a cup of 100 plus.

NDP fireworks went off in the sky. Aaahh.

Was really tired but it felt like a game. Lots of people overtook me, but I was overtaking a few people too and even though I was keeping a slow pace, I knew that I was trying my best.

For the last 100 metres, I sprinted and celebrated as if a firework had burst inside. It was going to be under 3 hours!

2 hours 45 mins.

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